Don’t you just love viral? I do. In fact I just spent a week trying to explain the concept to a client and get them to run a test campaign. The jury is still out, but meanwhile I received a really great example myself from Erik Arvidson at
I love the product, I love the propsition, I love the execution and if I could see the back end data I’m sure I’d be impressed with that too. Its doing the social network thing and its integrated with (at least) a neat web site too. What more could you ask for?
I’m also a Gary Busey fan, although as a recovered athsmatic I can’t listen to his gasping for breath for too long before I start to feel a bit breathless myself (athsmatics will understand this). However these quick spots are just great. Something in the genre of the Mac v. PC series, with a really powerful brand community vibe going on. Who said great advertising is all big production budget (Although I’m not sure I would want to pay Busey’s fee)? Take a look, see for yourself by clicking on the still.
Michael Weaver
August 29, 2008