
In the run up to the festive season, as everwhere else in the world (well almost!), Czech commercial TV is inundated with drinks advertising.  This example, which, I think, first aired this time last year, apart from making me chuckle, is one of a handful of commercials that make me think there’s a chance yet for Czech agencies and that there are at least one or two clients there who know what they are doing.  Its not the “big idea”, but its a neat commercial all the same, especially when you consider its for something that tastes like toilet cleaner!

It was produced by Dan Ruzicka at Young & Rubicam – nice one Dan!  I don’t think it needs translation.  I’m sure there are a few men and women around the world who would apprecaite this “optional extra” fitted to their partners (can you get one retro-fitted?).  The fact that it’s unashamedly sexist and that nobody in CZ would even bat an eyelid at that fact, even if there were something like the ASA operating, makes it that much more authentic Czech.  As does the fact that drinking (anything alcoholic) is generally acknowledged by Czechs to be mankind’s escape from a nagging wife.

Michael Weaver
November 16, 2008

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