There’s not a business in existence that wouldn’t claim to be working to improve efficiency. After all, it’s been many years since the last penny dropped in the final boardroom and every one accepted that business success is measured in degrees of efficiency.
However, the one area of business where attempts to improve efficiency have been late coming is marketing. The reasons for this are far too many to go into here, but I’m happy to discuss them at another time. The point however is that because marketing is now the biggest element of pretty much any business model it’s a situation that can’t be allowed to continue.
Recognising this, organisations everywhere are introducing measures to increase their marketing efficiency. We have fortunes being invested in market modelling, similar sums dedicated to brand development and communications spends sliding quickly below the line where cause and effect are more readily measured, but we are still not seeing the kind of efficiency we’re going to need as we move through the twenty-first century.
The reason for this is straightforward enough and although nobody would say it was a simple matter to put it right, fix it we must. The fact is that marketing optimisation can’t be addressed solely at the marketing communications end of the marketing process. This may be where most organisations focus their attempts, but at best it’s papering over the cracks. Optimisation requires that a number of organisational and cultural issues, marketing communications (both message and medium) being just one of them, are addressed at once and for most organisations that has been just a bridge too far – until now that is.
With the tools and resources at our disposal we can piece together an end-to-end, all-embracing marketing solution that any organisation can buy into and which will deliver the ROI that we always knew was possible, but were never able to realise. What’s more we can combine that with a process that fixes the internal issues and improves front line performance at the same time, so it’s a faster and more meaningful solution.
This is the principle of optimisation working on a tangible level.
Michael Weaver
December 11, 2007